Presentation of APERA

The Association Pour l'Expérimentation et la Recherche Archéologique (APERA) is a student association attached to the University of Paris 1 which seeks to promote the experimental approach and research in archaeology, without any geographical or chronological restrictions. APERA mainly brings together undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, providing them with an administrative and scientific framework conducive to the development of experimental projects. Since its creation, the association's aim has been to disseminate and discuss together the issues and questions encountered during experimental projects. To this end, the association regularly organises scientific meetings and, since 2021, has published a journal dedicated to experimental archaeology, the Bulletin de l’APERA.

For its 10th year of existence, the APERA association (2014-2024) is organising four days of festivities around experimental archaeology, from 3 to 6 October 2024, to coincide with the Fête de la science. The event is entitled Archéologie expérimentale, une science en fête! Understanding the skills of the past and includes several events, including the 4th Thematic Day.

For more information on the other events taking place at the event:


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